Snow is the coolest, isn't it? I mean its one of those few things that makes all grown ups act and even feel like little kids again. Of course when it happens in the South or here in Seattle it also makes a mess of things since it is such a rare occurrence.
The view from the plane last night was pretty cool though. Snow covering everything here in Seattle, and it was at night so that made it look cool too. (Yeah, if you haven't figured it out yet, Shaw and I are in Seattle for Christmas with her family)
One thing that became very clear to me on the trip yesterday was just how sanctifying air travel is. I mean have any of us flown around Christmas time and not had some sort of delay or been overwhelmed by the 50 million other ppl that are traveling as well? Well while i was in Atlanta last night (with extra time on my hands because of a delay) I decided to walk around the terminal we were in for a while.
While walking i started thinking about what makes me different (as far as being a Christian goes) from the rest these people i am walking past. Then another question occurred to me that I have had a good time meditating on since then. What would Christ have looked like walking through the busy E Terminal of Atlanta's airport? Not the full blown ministry Christ, but the pre-baptism Christ. After the beginning of his public ministry he would have always had people following him and recognizing him no doubt. But what about before? What do you suppose Christ would have acted like? Clearly his character never changed, but what about the way he interacted with the world before that?
Just interesting to think about I guess...
Merry CHRISTmas from the frozen North West! Much love to all 3 of my readers!
The view from the plane last night was pretty cool though. Snow covering everything here in Seattle, and it was at night so that made it look cool too. (Yeah, if you haven't figured it out yet, Shaw and I are in Seattle for Christmas with her family)
One thing that became very clear to me on the trip yesterday was just how sanctifying air travel is. I mean have any of us flown around Christmas time and not had some sort of delay or been overwhelmed by the 50 million other ppl that are traveling as well? Well while i was in Atlanta last night (with extra time on my hands because of a delay) I decided to walk around the terminal we were in for a while.
While walking i started thinking about what makes me different (as far as being a Christian goes) from the rest these people i am walking past. Then another question occurred to me that I have had a good time meditating on since then. What would Christ have looked like walking through the busy E Terminal of Atlanta's airport? Not the full blown ministry Christ, but the pre-baptism Christ. After the beginning of his public ministry he would have always had people following him and recognizing him no doubt. But what about before? What do you suppose Christ would have acted like? Clearly his character never changed, but what about the way he interacted with the world before that?
Just interesting to think about I guess...
Merry CHRISTmas from the frozen North West! Much love to all 3 of my readers!