So this is one of those update/random things I've been thinking/learning.
Baseball is rolling now, so i have way less time, but I don't mind. I love being out there with my players! It's a blast! I have a great team this year. We are a small team, but i think we're gonna be dangerous. Most of all I hope that God is honored with our effort this spring.
Speaking of baseball I have to make a comment about the latest admission of guilt to cheating/illegal activity in the MLB. I'm not gonna lie, i thought ol' A-Rod was the last clean superstar left to make a run on the HR record that has already been broken by a guy who cheated like a champ. At first i was really disappointed, but the more i think about it the more i realize it was bound to happen, and I can't blame them for doing it. They are HUMAN. That means they are fallen and will only make a mess of things. I can't point fingers. I've done really stupid things and made really bad mistakes. I am human too ya know. It has ruined MLB for me... don't know how much I'll continue to follow or watch it. This is that final nail in the coffin that was started with the strike.
I have been listening to a lot of the band
Cake lately. They rock! I mean they are so random and good! It really does my post-modern side some good to kick it to their talent.
I have been reading in Judges the past few days. While there are some really deep lessons about what not to do and faithfulness to God and following His commands carefully, the one observation i want to make here is shockingly superficial... ha! Anyway I think that my standard response to people who talk about how terrible it is to watch any movie that has violence or worldly things like drinking or sex in it, will be "Read Judges lately?" NOW DON'T GET ME WRONG!! I am not saying to rent some nasty R rated movie that has naked ladies running around and all that. But I don't think the "stick our head in the sand" approach is gonna really work either. I mean what do you do with a book like Judges? It's pretty much all a bunch of stories about murder, killing, lying, sex, and intrigue. It puts every modern soap opera to shame! Just think about it people! Why are those stories in there? There is a reason! God has a purpose for every Word that He has revealed to us! Some of that stuff is R rated at best. Honestly I am still working thru the application of that. Any thoughts would be welcome on that...
My wife's belly is getting really big!! I have a son!!! HOLY CRAP!! Lord willing I will get to meet him in about 10 weeks. This is scary, exciting, happy, fun, weird, and other things like that.
I am a vile sinner... i realize this so often... guess thats because i sin so much... shocked? You need to read your Bible more if you are.
And finally... "When you sleep, where do your fingers go?"