But I actually think about posting quite often, just never when I am actually at my CPU. Plus I have a son now, and that takes up a ton of my time. So just to fill you in on whats new with me.
- I have a son name Emmory William Steenback. He goes by Boo, Boo Boo, and Emo. He is the 2nd most precious earthly gift that God has given me. (Shawna is by far #1)
- Baseball is over for the year, which is another reason why I have time to think about blogging again. Once again, I have learned a ton from my experiences this season. I am blessed with the opportunity to coach those guys.
- I really need to finish my thesis... I am a LOSER!
- My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and i turn 29... I don't feel old, but its starting to sound old. 30 is scary
- I tried to watch the NBA again, and still think the way the game is called by officials is killing it. I also tried watching the NHL again and I'm back! They're letting em play again!
So like i said there have been a lot of things i have been thinking about that i wanted to blog on, but there is one that keeps sticking with me.
I have been reading the book "Total Truth" and its got me thinking a lot about world views and such, and i began to think through the evoultionistic/green/secular world view and thinking it all the way out to its logical ends. (i don't think there are many people who put their faith in evolution that are doing that... but alas i don't think there are many Christians doing that either)
So anyway see if you can follow this line of reasoning, and feel free to respond...
One of the many things that evolution teaches us is that the weak and unfit will be weeded out through the process of natural selection. If this is the case then I have two questions for those who hold this world view.
1) Why do you care about the thousands of people who are dying off in places like Darfur and other places around the world? I honestly don't mean to sound crass or uncaring. I do think that it is terrible what is going on there, but then again my world view allows me to understand and condemn it for what it is. EVIL. But if you hold a secular/natural world view, then how else can you explain such terrible events other than saying it is the process of the weaker being weeded out by the stronger. How ever it is that the stronger got that way doesn't matter, by subscribing to the natural selection dogma you must admit that what is going on is the same process that wiped out our missing link cousins.
2) What do you do with homosexuality? If it is a genetic issue as seems to be the popular argument, then (if you really want to say you believe in evolution/natural selection) you have to admit that any genetic mutation/condition/creation that produces a type of organism that is unable to procreate/perpetuate itself is a weaker organism destined for extinction.
Am i missing something here? Give me feed back... especially if you actually have placed your faith in evoultionistic secularism. How do you explain these issues from your world view without making a fundamental change in your belief construct?
World View people! You HAVE to take your belief system and follow it to its logically end in every situation. If it cannot explain or help you understand something that you encounter in this world then your world view is incomplete or flawed... Not good