but you have to admit there are some days when you really understand the bit about death losing it's sting".
been a while since I've been on here so I am sure all 3 of my readers are long gone. oh well... its been busy that's for sure.
These past few months have been filled with pressure, pain, and disappointment. God is dealing with me for sure. As if you needed to be reminded about God's sovereignty, even over the little things; here is the passage that God brought me to about 2 days before this last run of trials began. So needless to say, I was warned. :)
But as I arrived home tonight with a heart full of disappointment again something occurred to me while seated in the bathroom. (some would say that that is best place for deep thinking) So if you can get past the place where the thinking went on, let me fill you in...
it isn't ground breaking and it really isn't that deep, but it was what started me out of the hole i was in. I Peter 5:6-7 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7 casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."
Look this is it. Humility says I am not numero uno. There is someone bigger, better, greater, and its about them not me. That someone is God, who by the way if you are a child of His, CARES FOR YOU!!! LOVES YOU!!! (this is how it went in my head). The reason i can cast all the anxiety, all the cares, all the needs, all the concerns on Him is because of two HUGELY (not a word i think) important facts. God is sovereign. That means He is in absolute control. Nothing happens or exists outside of His control. If it did, He wouldn't be sovereign. Second important fact: God is love. Not God loves, God is LOVE. Complete and utter concern for the person being love, and doing what is best for them. So He does whatever he pleases, and it is His pleasure to love His children. It can't go wrong! It won't be a loss for me!
It still hurts though... BUT... God is faithful!
It was huge for me tonight. Maybe God led you here so that it might encourage you too.
You impress and encourage me. Thanks bro.
Hey now you will have 4 readers!! :)
This blog was especially encouraging to me. What a relief to know we're not in control.
Oh, the joy of the Gift of God! One day all of our pain will be far removed "So we do not lose heart. . . our afflictions are slight and momentary. . . and cannot be compared to the eternal glory to come" 2 Cor. 4:16-18. Therein lies our hope! He indeed is LOVE. God bless you!
dude, i'm shattering that 3 readers thing. you probably have a world-wide audience whose hearts are broken every day you don't type your thoughts :)
and yeah.... proverbs 3 will rip you a new one. i love your sister's "what a relief to know we're not in control." amen. go to my blogage and download the piper talk i mentioned recently. it's about what your rant is about. you'll love it. much love, dude. shalom.
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