Don't over think it... (mom) :) It's simple, or at least it seemed to me to be that way from what I remember from the story of Abraham. OBEDIENCE! But what motivates this obedience? Why was it that Abraham was so committed to this YHWH character that had him uproot his family and move to the boondocks?
For one: Love. Look at what YHWH promises Abe. Land, Nation, and Blessing on the entire world thru ol' Abe. God shows all this grace, blessing, and favor to Abe, and he understands that the least he can do is obey when he is asked to do something. Don't believe me... go back and ready thru Genesis again and look at some of the crazy things that Abe was asked to do.
For two: Fear. YHWH can and should very well strike fear into the heart of anyone who truly understands (as much as is humanly possible) who it is they are dealing with. Abe had that figured out too. Don't think so? Go read Genesis again my friend.
It really should be what motivates us all. Think about it. When we sin, its because either we've forgotten what Christ did for us on the cross and all that He gave for us... OR ...We have forgotten all that Christ suffered on the cross as He became the object of God's hate of sin.
I know there is a ton more here that i could dig into, but maybe I'll just get you started instead.