Ok, so maybe not, but at least I will satisfy the 2 of you that have inquired about my lack of posting.
I don't really have a lot on my mind at this point, but I thought I would share a question with you that I had my Sunday School class ponder this past week. We have been working our way through Romans. ( I know! I think its cool too!) We were finishing up chapter 4 and discussing the whole deal of justification by faith.
For the sake of time I am going to have to leave a lot of the background work and reading to you, but anyway we boiled the discussion down to one main issue. What saves people? The answer is easy, right? Altogether now... FAITH! YAY!! So thats it... man that was easy... but then you start to think about the whole issue that is raised in Chapter 4. If I am justified (made positional perfect/righteous before God) then why the heck would I worry about doing what is right all the time. (Because if we are all honest, most of the time doing the right thing is usually the harder of the 2 options we are pondering at that particular time.)
So the question then becomes: "If I am justified by Faith, then what is my motivation for doing what is pleasing to God?"
So what's your answer? Leave it in the comments, BUT you can only answer the question from Romans 4. Let's see what ya got!
Yay!!!! Let's not go another 3 months again ok?
no guesses?
Verses 7 and 8 say ~ blessed are those whose lawless deeds are FORGIVEN and whose SINS ARE COVERED and those whom the Lord will not give what is deserved. ~ These verses give motivating reasons to please God, to do right. . . Shouldn't we desire to please Him simply out of gratitude for a great debt paid?
Then the chapter speaks to Abraham's continued trust and faith in God after his justification. Abraham loved God and left an example of his life repsonses for those who would follow. Shouldn't we be motivated to please God because of the testimony of Kingdom citizenship? We have a heavenly King who is able to bring life to the dead (vs17. Finally in verse 20 states Abraham grew in his faith as he gave GLORY to God.
Glad to have you back here.
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