So i was listening to this chapel message by Mark Discoll the other day and he was talking about a lot of different things that had to do with his involvement in the Emergent Church movement, and his eventual break with those that are at the head of this monster know as "The Conversation". In the course of his discussion he brought up the point about how we as Christians should interact with the world around us. How we should present the truth and so forth. He referred to Mars Hill in Acts 17, and using the example of Paul he stated that we as Christians should be subversive in our interaction with the world and how we share the Truth. In essence what i understood him to say (and I'm gonna go back and have another listen cause it was that good) was that the Truth never changes, but we have to know who we are talking to, and that depending on our audience, our message may SOUND different or look a bit different, while the truth itself is never changed. ( I may not even be doing such a hot job of explaining it, so you may want to listen for yourself. Its from the Convergent Conference 2007)
Anyway, this is something that I have been really rolling around in my mind A TON.
I guess the basic question that i am left with is: "How much does our presentation of the Gospel change when we deal with different audiences?" How do we contextualize the truth without compromising its integrity? It has to happen. That is obvious. The obvious would be in extreme cases like my boy Nathan and his wife Emily who have gone to China. The way that he will explain the truth of Christ will be SO MUCH different than what he is used to in some ways. It has to be, he is in a completely different culture! The context of life is way different. They're commies for cryin out loud!
How much? How far? Is that what is wrong with so many of our efforts to reach people? Have we lost touch with culture? (And if you think that is a good thing, read Acts 17 again... Paul was in touch with the culture there in Athens.) I wonder... is it really as sharp of a razors edge as it seems to be?
I've been thinking the SAME thing! Especially in dealing with people around me at work - how much do I bring it up and how much do I wait to give an answer? It's hard to find a balance. But I've come to realize that I believe you've just got to do your very best to live every day to His glory and He will use you in ways you may never even realize.
What comes to my mind is the greatest commandment. Doesn't that sum it all up? Agape love, not holding on to anything for selfish reasons. It is unconiditonal love to others and yes, unconditional trust and love of God. That is the antithesis of the world and what allows truth a chance to grasp the lost heart. Not so much how to do, what to do, in order to present a biblical principle, but rather look for opporutnities to serve and love. Live the prinicples before others. That works in any culture and situation as it brings God glory. I agree with prioritizing each day and moment to reflect His glory. That is the main thing.
so good! dude, on tuesday afternoons we're getting ready to do ACTS 17 paul at mars hill. you've gotta come. we start at 4. i know you probably cant get off work, but still. its going to be great.
here's one healthy way to look at it - at least you're thinkning about it. other people just slaughter the gospel because they dont think about the balance of dogma, contextualization, culture, etc. it's the same paradigm as - you can't overcome sin unless you know which sin you're praying you'll overcome. at least its on our radar. owell. keep the blogs comin. its good to know it is revived.
Love i do think is a part of it, but even how you show that love is going to change depending on the culture that you live in... I guess the question is how much flex is there in Biblical Theology to allow for cultures that are so different from country to country and age to age...
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