That was on purpose btw. I thought i would get on here and share some of my thoughts about the swearing in of the new messiah... err i mean president. Overall im not really that happy with it, but it's not because of who won (this election was a choice between who i disliked the least). But there are 2 big issues that i have with it that make me uneasy to the point of blogging and if im honest, being physically uncomfortable.
before i jump in here let me just say for the record that i hate politics, i generally lean toward small government with isolationistic ideals. partisanship is continuing to weaken a strong country that i love and would die for
with that said... the two issues are (anyone still reading?)
1) The amount of hope that has been put into this man by this country. You are hoping in a fallen human being! You are hoping for change from someone that has been produced by the system that you want changed. But most of all you are hoping in a man! He will let you down. He will fail you! He will make mistakes, and except for the GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY in heaven he will make things worse! And out of the two options of success or failure, i don't know which one scares me more. Imagine what happens to all the hope that has been placed in him if he fails? What does it turn into? How will people react? How far will the pendulum swing? OR What happens if things do get "better" (what a relative and nasty term that is... Jim, blog it out will ya?) More hope is poured into a man that is fallen, depraved, and evil. JUST LIKE YOU AND ME!!!!
2) I truly understand for the first time in my life that I am a minority in this country, and apart from God's gracious intervention in the affairs of men, my family would be the target of countless hate crimes. (And I have strong doubts things will remain as they are in the long term) Yeah I am a white male and so there are a lot of us... but race, sex, and class have nothing to do with the minority i am in. I don't really have a ton more to say about it other than I really understand that now... and I am about to have a son that is going to grow up in a culture that is going to be increasingly hostile toward his family. Scares the crap out of me!
Now i could have written this 8 years ago when Bush was elected too... the religious right thought we were gonna be a theocracy within 3 years and all evil would have been stamped out by now... but again, it was a fallen man that their hope was put in.
All that to say this... I still find hope, I still have joy, and I still live in peace because I know this to be true.
Oh and by the way for those of you who reside in the minority with me... don't forget to pray!
1 comment:
Ah the subject of politics. How I loathe it...
True that no matter the president, congress, manager, boss, any power that be - they are all fallen and we should not place our hope or trust in anyone other than our Creator.
But what a relief to know that God is in control - regardless of how man may let us down...He will not.
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