Check this story out.
So these are the questions that I keep struggling with as this whole episode comes to an end. (I hope).
1) What does this say about our culture?
2) More specifically; what does this say about our values?
3) When someone famous dies, why do they become an instant "saint" and we want to celebrate their lives? (for lack of a better term)
4) What does the rest of the world think about us when they see stuff like this?
5) How many homeless and low income families could have been fed with the money it cost the city of LA?
6) How much longer are we (mainstream Christianity) going to hold on to this rediculous idea that we are a Christian nation?
Just my quick answers as I observe the last few weeks...
1) We are SHALLOW.
2) Our value system is SO relative its scarry. Morallity and goodness are subjective and relect the shallow nature of our culture.
3) None of us want to be held accountable for our lives either... We hope people will let us off the hook too.
4) No idea, but I can imagine its not positive...
5) Let's say it cost an average of $20 a family... thats 70000 families
6) I hope we give this up sooner than later. I think the amount of damage that is done to the name of Christ when we fall short personally is about the same as when we try to claim that our nation is a Christian nation. (Or that it ever really was) Do we really want to associate Christ with this?
Have a great day!