This one of my favorite things about our house. We see sun sets like this all the time from our kitchen.

My favorite place in the upstate.

I love to do this, my dog hates it, and my wife is usually yelling at me to put him down. :)
Guess which one is mine...

Christmas Cheer!!

It actually SNOWED!! That is our leaning snow man... He was going to be a pregnant snow woman, but then my hands got cold.

I really like all the cool things i can do with our new camera. I dont know how well it turned out here with it being scaled down, but this shot was about a 2 sec exposure of huge snow-flakes.
And now for my theological content...
Why did Christ hang out with sinners and people of ill repute? The obvious answer is so He could minister to the sick and those who knew they were in need of spiritual help. But do you think He also knew that it would really tick off the religious establishment and help to polarize the pride of false/man-centered religion. And where is the balance between making sure we aren't offending our brother or sister in Christ and following the example of our Lord.
Ok couple things - that picture of you holding Tillman in the air cracks me up. I can just hear him whining. And did you not have any gloves to build your snowman? You said your hands got too cold. I had gloves and still gave up half way through building ours. It bores me. Lastly, as far as your theological portion at the end, I kinda look at it as Christ was perfect. Nobody could find fault in Him. He, and He alone, could perhaps associate with those people in order to show pride in others because He was not prideful Himself. But for us to do that, it may look hypocritical because we are not perfect and are prideful. What is a person's motive for associating with those of "ill repute"? He who is without sin may cast the first stone.
I guess what I was after with that comment was more of the question of; at what point do we feel good about the fact that "established religion" thinks we're "friends of sinners". Personally i think we spend too much time worrying about how not to look that way instead of wondering why we don't get called that more often.
love it bro. i agree w/ susan, air tillman is hilarious.
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