Romans 7:24
The longer I live and the more I read and study the Word, the more I understand this verse. The thing is I am not sure how good a thing that is. I mean obviously on one level it is good. But at the same time, it really does bother me just like it bothered Paul.
This may be a shock for some of you, for others you couldn't agree more, but I am a vile rotten, worthless man. I still shake my head in disbelief that God has chosen to save me and use me.
The crazy thing is that the more i feel this way, the more i realize how much more there is to my fallen nature than i even realize now. (You might have to read that twice, but you'll get it) It's like the most terrible ice berg in the most terrible dream that wont end; either one of them. the more that is exposed only show just how much more is still to be exposed.
This is why we can call the Gospel, the Gospel (literally "the good news") The Bible paints a terribly bleak and hopeless picture of man after the fall and w/o Christ, so the good news of the Gospel comes as SUCH a relief when you've finally come to grips with the reality of our situation.
The one thing that this understanding also does for me that I am so very encouraged about; is that it makes Heaven so much more sweeter! It makes the coming reality of perfection and rest from sin so wonderful! (Even as i sit here and try to come up with words to describe it, they fail me, its too wonderful an idea)
Once we've realized our wretchedness, given up our foolishness, and embraced the graciousness of God's goodness and mercy there is sweetness even in something as bitter as knowing how nasty i really am.
Really guys... How awesome is that, that even something as depressing and terrible as understanding our sinfulness can also be a source of encouragement and hope.
some kid asked a question today about the "chapters" in the bible and i brought up Col 2-3 and Rom 7-8 as two examples of how we should read straight through the chapters. the woe of 7 leads to 8! :)
so true bro! I wonder how many ppl really believe that chapter devisions are inspired...
I bloged about this same thing today. Only when I abide in the Lord and in the power of His might, then I become strong. (Eph. 6:10)..
It is encouraging and hopeful.
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